All SL Series G3 Boilers use our V-10 Touch Screen boiler control which features the latest in advance control technology and software. Easy to set up and monitor with features like Express Setup, easier Diagnostics & Intuitive Alert System with plain English Warnings & Error Messages, no boiler has ever been easier to use!
- With supply and return connections on both sides of 4 models, your boiler installation can’t get any easier
- PVC/CPVC/PPs approved
- Longest combined vent lengths – Up to 200 ft in 2” and 480 ft in 3”
- More common parts. With only 2 fans and a universal controller servicing all models just got a lot easier
- Fuel conversion kits included in residential models
- Easy to inspect Heat exchanger featuring a condensate draining system that cleans as it heats
- Built-in zone pump control - up to 4 zones. Replacing the need for external pump controls
- MFZ Technology: Patented moisture management system. Protects and ensures long life for all components in the boiler
- A Turndown ratio of up to 10:1 means you have the power to heat your home in the coldest weather, yet reduce short cycling when the weather is mild